HMS Metric Model

European Patent: EP2908955 A1
US Patent: US9,475,063 B2

Technical Specifications

  • Designed to be highly robust and heavy duty.
  • Charging hopper.
  • Vibrating feeder completed with dust removing screen.
  • Extremely strong proprietary electro-drum between the feeder end and drum surface, consequently maximizing the liberation of contaminants.
  • Available in three sizes: 50, 100 and 150 tons per hour of HMS.
  • Can be supplied as a complete solution or in modular parts.


The SGM Solution Typically, HMS contains between 6-12% of contaminants which negatively impacts on:

  • Furnace yield and electricity cost per ton of ferrous produced
  • Production of slag
  • Consumption of Lime

The SGM Scrap Cleaning Line for HMS allows to reduce the contaminants in HMS to less than 1%.

The savings on electricity and higher furnace yield alone, can result in a pay-back of less than 18 months based on a minimum of 300.000 tons of HMS processed per year. The 6 to 12% of non-ferrous removed from the HMS can be sold to metal recyclers for their typical valuable non-ferrous metal content.

Typical applications

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