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HMS Scrap Cleaning Line

European patent: EP2908955 A1
US patent: 9.475.063 US B2

Typically, the HMS ferrous scrap purchased by steel mills operating electric arc furnaces contains between 6 and 12% of non-ferrous contaminants made of soil, rocks, concrete, wood, rubber, non-ferrous metals,…

The SGM proprietary HMS Scrap Cleaning Line allows to drastically that contamination with a direct positive impact on the yield of the furnace (less kwh per ton of ferrous melted), reduction in the cost of lime and improvement in the quality of the steel produced by reducing the non-ferrous metal contamination like copper, zinc, aluminum, … which, instead of representing a problem can turn into an additional source of revenue.

The use of the SGM HMS Scrap Cleaning Lines allows steel mills to better assess the ferrous purity of the scrap they buy and better negotiate its price.

The SGM HMS Scrap Cleaning Line consists of a complete assembly made of a structure with a receiving hopper for the HMS Scrap, self-cleaning feeder and a proprietary magnet drum design. It can be sized for processing 100 and 150 tons per hour which is ideal for steel mills using 300.000 tons per year of scrap to their furnace.

SGM has extensive experience and references regarding its HMS Scrap Cleaning Line in countries like Turkey and Spain which are important importers of scrap from all over the world.

The SGM HMS Scrap Cleaning Line is built to meet the demands of an industrial steel mill in terms of durability and reliability.



Between 6% and 12% of contaminants are present in HMS before processing. The SGM Scrap Cleaning Line for HMS allows to reduce the contaminants to less than 1%.

The savings on electricity and higher furnace yield alone, can result in a pay-back of less than 18 months based on a minimum of 300.000 tons of HMS processed per year.

A patented drum with a powerful magnet with radial polarity is used to clean HMS scrap, allowing for a greater distance between the conveyor belt and the drum itself.

The non-ferrous removed from the HMS can be sold to metal recyclers for their typical valuable non-ferrous metal content.

Technical Specifications 

  • Designed for maximum robustness and heavy duty.
  • Charging hopper.
  • Vibrating feeder completed with de-dusting screen.
  • Extremely strong proprietary electro-drum m ance between the feeder end and drum surface, consequently maximizing the liberation of contaminants.
  • Available in three sizes: 50, 100 and 150 tons per hour of HMS.
  • Can be supplied as a complete solution or in modular parts.

The models of the scrap cleaning line

SGM Magnetics produces three models of HMS scrap cleaning plants, differentiated by length so that they can process a load of 50, 100, or 150 tons of material per hour.

Each model consists of:

  • Charging hopper
  • Vibrating conveyor belt + dust screen
  • Drum magnet
  • Plant structure
  • Magnetic belt separator

The cleaning plant can be supplied as a unit or in modules.

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HMS Scrap Cleaning Line
HMS Scrap Cleaning Line
HMS Scrap Cleaning Line
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