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Tailor made solutions according to your application.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Scrap ›

SGM produces both round scrap magnets and octagonal mega scrap magnets.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Slabs and blooms ›

SGM manufactures both EM and EPR electromagnets for the slab and blooms handling. The recommendation of choosing the EM or the EPR magnet is based on possible high temperatures of the slabs and/or on safety requirements of the working environment.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Billets, bleam blanks, bars ›

SGM manufactures both EM and EPR electromagnets for these products handling. For hot applications and intensive duty cycles, typically at the exit of the caster, SGM offers the proprietary Convection Electro Lifting Magnet.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Plates ›

SGM manufactures both EM and EPR electromagnets for plates handling. EPR solutions are only for single plates or limited quantities of multiple thin plates.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Coils ›

EPR solutions are suitable for cold rolled coils and annealing furnace operations with coils in an eye vertical position. EM solutions also suitable for hot rolled coils.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Wire coils ›

The SGM solution is a substantial progress compared to the “C” hooks. The handling operation of wire coils can be carried out by a single operator from the crane cabin or by remote control.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Reinforced constructions bars ›

SGM manufactures EM for the re-bars handling. The EM solution is much faster and safer than chains or slings, in addition to ensuring a greater amount to handle.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Structural beams ›

SGM designs and builds specific magnets for this application taking into account the complete range of loads to be handled (section, length, weight, temperature).

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Bundles and layers of pipes ›

The SGM Electro magnets designed for this application are of compact construction, thus limiting the overall height of the equipment. The use of magnets can reduce or significantly eliminate the damage to the pipes during handling.

Lifting Magnets Applications - SGM Magnetics

Rails layers ›

Electro Permanent magnets for the handling of rails. Irrelevant residual magnetism (welding, inductive quality controls, …). Absolute safety is guaranteed because the lifting force of SGM Electro Permanent magnets is autonomous.

We are at your service

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